We use our laboratory services to ensure the production of quality wine and cider. We are able to provide the following services on grapes, grape juice, apple juice, wine and cider:

- Disolved Oxygen in wine
- Free and Total SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide)
- pH/ Total acidity through pH meter and titration
- Carbodoseur – Accurate simple device to measure CO2 (carbon dioxide) in still wine.
- NTU turbidity – a measure of the cloudiness of a fluid
- ABV % (Alcohol by volume)
- Residual Sugar in wine, taken by Spectrophotometer
- Lactic Acid and metalic acid. In the wine industry the course of malolactic fermentation is monitored by tracking the falling levels of Malic Acid and the increasing level of Lactic Acid.
- Acetic Acid – Responsible for the sour taste of vinegar. Max of 1.1g/l in white and rose wine, Max of 1.2g/l in red wine. During fermentation, activity by yeast cells naturally produce a small amount of acetic acid.
- YAN (Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen) – YAN is a measurement of the primary organic (free amino acids) and inorganic Ammoniacal Nitrogen. It is Important value when determining quality of must or nutrient deficient fermentation and how much nutrient additions are necessary
If you have any questions regarding testing, don’t hesitate to get in touch.